This Jacksonville couple reached out to me earlier in their pregnancy to request a sunrise maternity session on the beach. Coastal portraits are my absolute favorite to document for growing families, especially for maternity portraits!
Mama is obviously gorgeous, and I am so glad we connected prior to our session about clothing. Clothing is such an important aspect of a photo session. For my coastal work, I always opt for timeless and simple. Simple will be timeless. Neutral will always be timeless and not date your portraits. Trends are great, but often times I find new mothers especially wanting their images to live a lifetime - whether in albums or on their walls - so I always suggest either borrowing from my studio wardrobe collection or going with their own neutral pieces.
For me anyway, there is something synonymous with the coast and pregnancy. Maybe it's the water, but I feel like these are the most natural images I can create outdoors - on the beach, sunrise or sunset. Coastal portraits and pregnancy just vibe together.
One of my favorite things about this maternity session was Mom's earrings! It sounds funny to say I guess, but I just loved them! I'm not about the elaborate dresses or things like that (no judgement, I'm a minimalist so it's just not "me") but I loved that she added a little "bling" to her photo session. It gave that perfect sunrise on the beach look that this simple outfit needed!
I can't wait to photograph baby boy Grant in a few weeks! Mama's baby shower was today, so I'm sure she's eagerly anticipating the next step in her baby's first year milestones.
Aug 28, 2023, 10:48:45 AM
JULIE - Beautiful! Just stunning!
Aug 24, 2023, 10:42:28 PM
Kami Vanous - You have such a special gift. I hope you know that!
Aug 20, 2023, 7:38:57 AM
Stephanie W - LOVELY work as always - these are gorgeous images.
Aug 18, 2023, 7:23:29 AM
mary - She's gorgeous! And so are your style and photos!!
Aug 17, 2023, 9:23:40 PM
Melissa - These are all so beautiful! Mom is absolutely glowing - just beautiful!
Aug 17, 2023, 9:08:55 PM
Lindsey - I just love the soft look of these, so beautiful! That is one gorgeous Mama to be!
Aug 17, 2023, 5:08:54 PM
Renee - Love your sunrise sessions SO much!
Aug 17, 2023, 3:56:57 PM
Kathryne - What a beautiful Momma!